All about festival DX in one app

FESPLI is a festival app production service that easily provides high-quality smartphone apps that cover all the functions necessary for festivals and events at a low cost. With this one app, you can greatly promote the DX of your festival.

Service total of 80 events and over 1.3 million downloads!

Wild Bunch Fest

FeaturesFeatures of FESPLI

The ideal image of the festival envisioned by the organizers, and the expectations and challenges of the audience.
We will do our best to support you in realizing your ideals.

An app that covers all the necessary functions and evolves day by day.

Designed by a development team that has experience with a variety of festivals and festival apps both domestically and internationally. Additionally, the app is continually updated in detail to reflect feedback from festival organizers and users.

Can be introduced at low cost and in a short period of time

By creating templates for functions and structures, you can release apps at a much lower cost and in a shorter period of time than developing from scratch.

Easy operation

It can be operated intuitively and quickly with a dedicated management screen and app. Push notifications, news distribution, congestion information, and various content updates can be easily performed, minimizing communication costs.

Increase profits, reduce costs

You can expect to increase profits by adding sponsored menus, selling goods, and promoting the use of paid services. It also contributes to cost reduction by optimizing production and operational processes.

audience insights

App usage data, such as the number of My Time Table registrants, artist correlation data, and survey results, can be used for festival management, planning, and marketing.

Complete support

Our dedicated team provides thorough support, from distribution on the app store to operating guidance on the management screen, same-day operational advice, and feature suggestions. Maximize the implementation effect.

App features

We provide a package that includes an iOS/Android app that has the basic functions required for a festival app, and a web management screen that allows you to change content such as timetables displayed in the app.

No coding required, just enter information on the management screen to create an app.

iOS Android

Artist details
interactive map
Spot details
Offline use
Sponsored content
push notifications
my time table
Multi-language switching
Information display
News distribution

Various payment functions

It has the functions necessary for events such as ticket and goods sales, numbered tickets, etc.
We respond to all your needs with a UI/UX designed to be used at events.
Payment methods are credit card and convenience store payment.

Tickets/reservations/numbered tickets

In addition to event admission tickets, we can also make reservations by time slot, various services, and issue free numbered tickets. Lottery and reserved seats are also available. Enables all advance payments for events.

Tickets/reservations/numbered tickets

Goods sales/mobile order

Mail-order sales of official goods, same-day pickup, same-day mobile ordering, etc. can be completed using just the app. The easy-to-purchase UI promotes user usage and contributes to increasing revenue from goods sales.

Goods sales/mobile order

Event-specific currency

You can issue your own event currency on the app. You can charge your card with a credit card and pay with a QR code at a store. Expands the possibility of cashless payments at events.

Event-specific currency

CasesIntroduction example

music festival

It is used at music festivals of various sizes and styles, including large-scale music festivals, as well as circuit-type festivals and local festivals. We also offer pricing plans depending on the scale of your event.

food festival

It has the functions necessary for food festival DX, such as food information, venue maps, ticket sales, unique coins, voting using survey functions, and marketing data collection.

Theme park entertainment

Venue maps, event information, ticket sales, etc. are also conveniently available for theme parks and entertainment facilities and events.

open campus

The open campus is truly a festival, with a wide variety of programs, timetables, and campus maps. Visitor registration, program reservations, and questionnaires can be completed using the app. An open campus tailored to Generation Z.





MAWALOOPのアプリ優秀すぎて恐らく色んな人がビビったはず こういうのって回数を重ねるごとに良くなっていくイメージなのに初回から使い勝手良すぎる アプリ開発の人ととことん突き詰めたんやろうけど痒いところに手が届きまくって貴族になった気分やった


タイムテーブルとか自分で組み合わせれたりアーティストのページから曲聴きに行ったりSNS見に行けるの良かった。マップも分かりやすくて自分が居る位置も分かって助かりました。公式グッズの販売状況もしらせてくれてよかったです。<br />なにより、天気を知らせてくれるのは驚いたし特に良かったと思います!


めちゃくちゃ使いやすかったです! 当日回線がスムーズじゃなくてTwitterもInstagramもLINEも調子が悪かったしなかなか開けなかったのにこのアプリはめちゃくちゃ早いし、お知らせもちゃんと来るし、すぐ開けてタイテが見れて非常に便利でした! マップで現在地からその場所までの距離を教えてくれるのもめちゃくちゃ便利で有難かったです! またタイテの現在時間を表す赤線も見やすくて分かりやすくてすごい良かったです!


これは使える! マップで自分のいる場所が分かるから初めての会場でも迷子にならない。タイムテーブルも見やすくて良い。全てのフェスでも、こんなアプリがあれば良いのに。


FlowIntroduction flow

It can be distributed in the store in as little as one month.


Specifications/schedule determination

We will consider the schedule up to the event date and decide on the functions to be developed, colors, icons, images, and other designs based on the meeting.


design, development

We will reflect the design in the app and implement additional functions. We will deliver the prototype to your device and receive your feedback.


Register content from the management screen

Register artists, timetables, maps, and spots to be displayed in the app from the management screen and check how they actually work in the app.


Submit your app to the store

Submit and publish the developed app to the App Store/Google Play.
It is also possible to release it as an official app from Spincoaster.


Use on the day

Encourage attendees to download the app and enjoy the festival comfortably. We will provide you with a manual so that you can take advantage of the app's features such as push notifications.

Media coverage

Real Sound

What is the big difference between “Fest App” overseas and Japan? We asked two developers

At Real Sound, two developers talk about the app situation at overseas festivals and festival apps as media. Please take a look.